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  • Delin Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. Shines at The 22nd China International Foundry Expo
    Delin Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. Shines at The 22nd China International Foundry Expo
    匠心铸梦 技展沪城——第二十二届中国国际铸造博览会圆满收官——2024年7月7日,第二十二届中国国际铸造博览会在上海国家会展中心圆满落下帷幕。共铸辉煌展会回顾Exhibition Review01 产品亮相<<<<回顾本次展会,德林以智能、高效、精准的特性,深刻诠释了绿色铸造与智能化改造的完美结合。02荣获奖项<<<<展会期间,德林卓越的产品更赢得了市场的广泛认可和高度评价,多款展品大放异彩,双工位造型机更是荣获由中国铸造协会颁发的全国铸造装备创新奖,彰显了德林在铸造设备领域的领先地位。左右滑动查看更多03技展沪城<<<<同时,与海内外多家企业达成合作共识并签订多个大额订单,为展会增添了浓墨重
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  • Countdown 1 Days, We Are Waiting for You in Shanghai!
    Countdown 1 Days, We Are Waiting for You in Shanghai!
    THE 22ND CHINA INTERNATIONALFOUNDRY EXPO ( METAL CHINA ) The 22nd China International Foundry Expo 2024 will kick off at the Shanghai National Convention and Exhibition Centre. As an important event for the domestic foundry industry, the show will provide a wealth of displays and technical e
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  • DELIN's Exciting Presence At FENAF 2024 in Brazil
    DELIN's Exciting Presence At FENAF 2024 in Brazil
    Exhibition Information 2024 Brazil local time on 18 June 13:00, 2024 Brazil Foundry and Die Casting Exhibition (FENAF2024) in Sao Paulo, Brazil, the North Convention and Exhibition Centre kicked off. This three-day exhibition, which is the largest professional casting exhibition in South Amer
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